This article will catch the attention of farmers who raise livestock, farmers who grow crops, or anyone with a whole lot of land and Meaning of Whitewashing. Those people who own a vast area of land most likely have a barn that is central to the property.

Barns serve an important purpose in maintaining organization and supporting the health of the rolling green acres. As a continuation of the special kalsomine brush, we are going to learn how significant it is in caretaking the world of not only building but farming as well.
Hydrated lime powder, salt and water – this is the simple whitewash mixture. Occasionally a barn or a chicken coop needs a good whitewash to cover the mess on the walls which accumulate as a buildup of toxins. The whitewash will not only cover up, but it will actively absorb those toxins.
Whitewash is not harmful to animals, and since it is water soluble it is best to paint the interior of the barn. While coating the walls, the hydrated lime powder is the key ingredient that fights off bacteria. With a good whitewash, it is alsoharder for bugs to lay eggs in the wood. Just something as simple as whitewash can maintain a healthier and safer environment for people, animals and plants. Whitewashing your farmhouses which include barns, stalls, chicken coops and even trees, is a classic way to purify your properties. It is a respected, traditional farm duty that has been around for ages.
In our previous article, we wrote about the kalsomine brush and its history, importance and general facts. This article is going to explain the art of whitewashing and how everyone who whitewashes should own a kalsomine brush.

You must learn how to whitewash correctly, just as there is a correct method to do anything the right way. Also, whitewashing should be done as often as can be. It is so easy because you will have to paint a coat of whitewash over what already exists. With whitewashing, there is no
need to remove any layers of paint that are already painted on the walls, which that would be too much of a hassle to remove layers of paint that are already left there. That is actually great because removing paint is pretty boring, tasking, painstaking and would be so time consuming. The duty of whitewashing is plain and simple, with ease, fluidity and in quick motion can be made enjoyable.
Sometimes it is not easy though, due to high ceilings, and tight little nooks in deep, dark places, and farm tools, equipment are in the way, even the animals themselves! Consider that before setting up a whitewashing job, clear the area for safety reasons. All you really need alone together is both you, your whitewash mixture, and a trustworthy kalsomine brush. Round up the animals and temporarily place them in another area to relax without having the opportunity to mess up the freshly coated whitewash.
You can either buy whitewash by the can or prepare the mixture on your own. A do-it-yourself mixture can be prepare easily. There are multiple YouTube videos that give step-by-step instruction on how to make a very nice whitewash. For homemade whitewash, take a gallons of (as much as you think you might need) warm water and mix it with a decent amount of salt, stir it up and allow the salt to dissolve in the water. Hydrated lime powder costs around ten dollars for fifteen pounds. A tip is to store the hydrated lime power in a barrel to keep it dry.
Next, add in the proper amount of hydrated lime power, mix it round and round until it thickens up a bit and you see that it will create a nice coating, not too watery and not too heavy or sticky. Now is the time we are all been waiting for – dunk the kalsomine brush and soak up the whitewash on the fibers. Because the hydrated lime powder naturally absorbs water, if it sits for a while, it might become too thick, so keep an eye on it and periodically mix it around to keep it runny and smooth.

Another key reason to use whitewash is to keep bugs from burrowing in trees. Protect trees by coating its bark with whitewash using a handy dandy kalsomine brush from St. Nick Brush. This is especially good to maintain the health of apple trees, pear trees or really any trees that bear fruit. Besides barns and trees, if you have got a chicken coop, this needs to be cover in a whitewash regularly as well. You want fat, happy, healthy chickens, so a way to keep them going is to whitewash their living quarters. There is incredible science backing up the art of whitewashing.
Whitewash contains the appropriate components that not only immediately; destroy bacteria but further balances the PH level as a becoming ideal substance. The chemical makeup of whitewash kills parasites and digests whatever unwanted material; which grows and thrives on the walls and ceilings. The greatest part of whitewash is that animals do not get sick from licking and eating around it; due to the lime which is not toxic.
Overall, the reason behind whitewashing barns is to ward off bugs and to seal the wood. And, aside from functional purposes, whitewashing a barn would give it an illuminated, fresh look. Whitewashing could create a much more inviting environment and; whatever is store in the barn would be more visible and not lost in the dreadful shadows.
I would expect many people with barns to understand the importance of whitewashing; but it all depends on the utilization of the barn, what occupies it, and how much activity goes on. For example, if you do not put much time and energy into your barn; whitewashing might not be on the priority list, but keep it in mind. It is very popular to use a kalsomine brush for whitewashing. Kalsomine brushes serve special, specific purposes. As we wrap up we note that there are so many positives to whitewashing; but remember that the best jobs are finish while using a kalsomine brush!